Wednesday, July 15, 2009

WWDD -- The HP Alliance in Los Angeles and the Dumbledore Movie Theater Challenge

On July 14, 2009 there was a HUGE party for the opening of the Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince movie. My wife and I went there and it was fantastic. I got to meet 3/4 of Pottercast, and members of the Whomping Willows, The Remus Lupins, Marked as His Equal, and Tonks and the Werewolves, not to mention lots and lots of Potter fans. Oh, and I saw the movie, too. I'll write more about that later, but for now IT FREAKIN' RULES.

I was officially there in my capacity as a member of the Harry Potter Alliance. We were doing the Dumbledore Movie Theater Challenge. I provided name tags which Bre and the Merch ladies handed out to fans to write about what they learned from the late, great Albus Dumbledore. I also shot some video:

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